Pre- Kindergarten 4s

Location: Glenwood, MD or Glenelg, MD

3070 RT 97, Glenwood, MD 21738

3800 Ten Oaks Rd, Glenelg, MD 21737

Ratios: 1 teacher : 10 students

Tuition: $350/ Week

For children who turn 4 by 8/31


What are our objectives in Pre-K ?

Our Pre-K program prepares children for kindergarten as they learn phonics and the principles of emergent reading, writing, mathematical concepts, and all other academic domains. We support their ability to enter Kindergarten as strong, eager, and confident learners. We focus on building social and emotional skills that help them understand, above all, the importance of being a good human being.


7:00-8:30 AM Welcome + free play

8:30-9:00 AM Whole-Group Time & Read-Aloud. Review of phonics, shapes, numbers, letters, handwriting, songs, etc

9:00-9:30 AM Learning Centers and Small-Group Activities: blocks, creative arts, dramatic play, library, math and manipulatives, science and sensory, and writing.

9:30-10:00 AM Learning centers and one-on-ones to monitor children’s progress individually

10:00- 10:30 AM Snack

10:40- 11:40 AM Outdoor Play

11:40 Quiet reading or listening center

12:00-12:30 PM Lunch

12:30-2:00 Nap time ( Glenwood location nap is from 1PM-3PM)

3:00-3:20 PM PM snack

3:30-4:20 PM STEM centers (cooking, science, or tech challenge). Review of day

4:30-6:00 PM Outside play ( depending on weather ) and head home

Where will Your Journey take you?

Our students have a diverse range of opportunities to integrate learning into life experiences. We have a series of six week studies that encourage children to see how each concept can be found in all areas of their daily lives. We pair their learning with regular field trips and visitors that help to make abstract concepts more concrete. We pride ourselves on getting the children excited about the differences among people and promote a diverse environment. We have regular opportunities for family involvement both during and outside of school hours. Our children are able to enroll in gymnastics, dance, language, yoga, soccer, and a multitude of other extracurricular opportunities. The family as a whole is able to grow with us as we grow as a school and a community.